Information and training
Fairtrade International has developed a number of training modules for farmers and workers in Fairtrade certified organizations and their partners to support compliance with Fairtrade Standards and achieving development impact in their communities.

Image © Jose Manuel Gomez
- Internal Control Systems (ICS) for Small-scale Producer Organizations
- Fairtrade Training Library for Small Producer Organizations
- Development Workbook for Small-scale Producer Organizations
- Fairtrade Premium Committees – Hired Labour Organizations
This training manual is for organizations of small-scale producers that want to develop and implement an Internal Control Systems (ICS) to meet the related requirement in the environmental portion of the Fairtrade Standard for Small-scale Producer Organizations.
The training guide has been developed in cooperation with an environmental expert. It consists of the following elements:
- General Guidance chapter
- Master Planner
- Master implementation plan with proposal of useful formats and tools.
- List of ICS consultants and resources
Download the Training Manual for Small Producer Organizations on Internal Control Systems (ICS)
You can also download the following annexes:
- Annex 1: Storage and inventory record
- Annex 2: Regional map
- Annex 3: Producer member map
- Annex 4: Producer agreement
- Annex 5: Processing record
- Annex 6: Member list
- Annex 7: Materials inventory and use record
- Annex 8: Master planning timeline and calendar
- Annex 9: Individual farmer - internal inspection control points checklist
- Annex 10: Individual farmer - internal inspection GES checklist
- Annex 11: Harvest and delivery record
- Annex 12: Field description and history
- Annex 13: Education and training record
- Annex 14: Corrective action agreement
- Annex 15: Community map
- Annex 16: Whole organization internal inspection checklist
The Fairtrade Producer Library contains a wide range of training tools and guidance to help small producer organizations understand and internalize Fairtrade Standards. The Fairtrade Standard for Small-scale Producer Organizations and its underlying principles regarding environmental sustainability, democratic organization as a basis for smallholder empowerment and social compliance, are explained in a playful manner based on visuals and games, targeting particularly those producers with low literacy levels. The materials in the library cover the following areas:
- general requirements
- sustainability and biodiversity
- organizational development
- social compliance
- trainer support
Small-scale Producer Organization (SPO) development is most effective when the process is driven by its members, and is based on a good level of awareness of the organization's strengths and shortcomings.
The SPO development self-assessment workbook guides an organization towards becoming a well-governed, sustainable organization; illustrates good practices; and helps them to identify areas for improvement. This self-assessment serves as a starting point for Fairtrade development and Premium planning.
EN | SPO Development Workbook (for online viewing)
EN | SPO Development Workbook (for printing)
FR | SPO Development Workbook (for online viewing)
FR | SPO Development Workbook (for printing)
Premium Committees are groups of workers and management representatives organized to administer the Fairtrade Premium on behalf of the workforce, as specified in the Fairtrade Standards for Hired Labour. Previously, the Fairtrade Premium Committee was known by the term ‘Joint Body’.
The four training manuals below are practical working tools and reference documents for Premium Committee members and their supporters. They are based on practical experience in working with the Premium Committee approach.
Fairtrade Premium Committee principles - Fairtrade training manual 3.0
This manual introduces topics such as legal body, constitution, rules and regulations, internal audit committee and delegates model.
Fairtrade Premium Committee processes - Fairtrade training manual 3.1
This manual introduces planning, monitoring and evaluation, meetings, communication, and internal organization. It has an annex:
Annex 1: Sample FPC Committee calendar of activities and events
Fairtrade Premium Committee financial management - Fairtrade Training Manual 3.2
This manual covers key aspects of financial management, such as financial planning, accounting and bookkeeping, financial reporting, financial procedures, financial control and auditing. It has five annexes.
- Annex 1: Budgeting
- Annex 2: Debit and credit
- Annex 3: Chart of accounts
- Annex 4: Forms
- Annex 5: Cash flow report form
Fairtrade Premium Committee premium project management - Fairtrade training manual 3.3
This training manual provides guidance on developing projects that benefit the workforce and the community. It considers questions such as:
- How can Fairtrade Premium funds be spent?
- How can projects be chosen?
- How to develop a project proposal?
- How to implement monitor and evaluate a project?