Measuring our impact
Understand why and how we track progress and results.
Our theory of change
See the basis of our work for positive change in the world.
Fairtrade research
See how we conduct and use research to improve our work.
Impact monitoring
Explore the findings from our long-term data collection.
Fairtrade Impact
Fairtrade exists to empower farmers and workers. Learn more about the impact we can all have by choosing Fairtrade.
Key data resources
Fairtrade producers
An overview of key aggregate data on Fairtrade producer organizations
Fairtrade Premium
An overview of Fairtrade Premium and its impact for Fairtrade producers
Fairtrade production
See an overview of the latest available data on Fairtrade production worldwide.
Mapping deforestation risks
A new collaboration between leading certification schemes maps deforestation trends and points toward new approaches for reducing this risk.
Highlights from our library
2023 Annual Report
Monitoring the scope and benefits of Fairtrade: Overview - Monitoring Report, 15th Edition
Fairtrade West Africa Cocoa Programme Monitoring Report, Fourth Edition
Life cycle assessment of cut roses: Analysing the environmental impacts of Fairtrade (Kenya) and conventional (Netherlands) production systems
Fairtrade Living Income - Progress Report 2023
Supporting shared responsibility: Fairtrade human rights and environmental due diligence report
Fairtrade is much more than merely an environmental certification, it is the only and best ethical and social certification that really ensures social and environmental, ethical and economic impact, and therefore human impact.
Enrique Calderon, coffee farmer, COOPEAGRI cooperative, Costa Rica